Live Like Coy

Cayden Kling [Photo: Craig Maley Photography]
“It meant a lot to me to win this rodeo. I felt extremely grateful and proud, because I wanted to win it for him. Coy had so much try and ‘want to’ in him and a ‘do whatever it takes’ attitude. That’s what I did. It meant even more to my family and I to see all the people Coy influenced, show up for him and his memory — that’s special,” Abby Hepper, Coy Hepper’s sister and champion cowgirl.

Abby Hepper and Sam [Photo: Section 20 Photography]
The 2nd Annual Coy Hepper Memorial Invitational Rodeo took place in Watford City at the McKenzie County Fairgrounds this past Friday, August 12.
Family, friends, competitors, and fans of Coy and the sport of rodeo gathered to show their support in memory of their beloved cowboy who is now riding in greener pastures. His memory was cherished in the arena amongst shades of pink and purple of the North Dakota skies, as it lives on everyday across the land.
“Coy was such a funny person. He really made me not take things so seriously. He taught me to enjoy the moments in life. That’s what I hold in my heart about Coy. I wear the buckle from this last year’s memorial rodeo every run and will cherish this one the same,” said CeeJay Bohmbach, back-to-back Coy Hepper Memorial Rodeo Junior High barrel racing champion.
Bohmbach used the word “grateful” to sum up the whole night.
Cayden Kling said, “The influence Coy had on me was that he motivated me to be the better me. The friendship we had is something that won’t ever be replaced. Coy’s bareback riding inspired me every day. I had a mind shift since last year. My whole goal was to win Coy’s rodeo. When I showed up, I wanted to draw the horse, 798, and that’s what happened. Having Coy right beside me and even feeling like he was riding with me, the mare took a big swoop out the chute, stacked up, and I just knew I was going to win it.”
Kling said that seeing everyone smiling, especially Jeff and Eva Hepper (parents of Coy) was incredible. “The support of everyone and having this confidence and pride in something so special is life changing. Coy made all our lives better,” added Kling.
“Seeing the whole community come together and do this for one of our greatest friends is amazing. When you view the videos, you can hear people cheering — even the people we compete against are all just supporting each other,” explained Bohmbach.
Abby Hepper said that she really admired Coy and the impact he had on people’s lives, “As hard as it was to be there and go through the emotions, seeing his friends show up, the community, and everyone supporting his memory only made me feel pride.”
Elli Leppell was the bull riding champion of the event in the high school division and said, “We’ve been best friends since we could walk, Coy and I. You just didn’t want to leave when he was around, because you would just laugh and laugh. I would always come home with a story to share when I was with Coy.”

Eli Leppell [Photo: Section 20 Photography]
Riding the bull named Blue Bloods, Leppell marked a 76-point ride for the win. “Blue Bloods, a Robby Villareal bucking bull, came to the left right away and then switched to the right, and I kind of was in a sticky situation but made the whistle,” explained the bull rider.
“With all the young talent we have coming in North Dakota, I only see this event getting bigger, better, and even more special,” added Leppell.

Live Like Coy [Photo: Section 20 Photography]
The event hosted top stock, top riders, a Calcutta, and big prize money. Stock contractors included: Bailey Pro Rodeo, C’N Stars Bucking Bulls, Kling/Headlings Rodeo, Wildman Rodeos, and Roger Sundsbak Bucking Bulls. Those who attended said Coy wouldn’t have had it any other way at the McKenzie Fairgrounds on a Friday night.
The Hepper family also gave away twelve scholarships in their cowboy’s memory.
The Hepper family ranches and raises performance horses in Keene, ND. Jeff, Eva, Jade, Abby, Kari, as well as Coy, are are leaving a legacy across the prairie of the Dakotas and beyond. #LiveLikeCoy isn’t just a hashtag, it’s alive and flourishing for all to see.
2022 Coy Hepper Memorial Invitational Champions
Taos Weborg JH Bareback
Cayden Kling HS Bareback
Nate McFadden Open Bareback
Zane Wagoner JH Saddle Bronc
Tayson Jones HS Saddle Bronc
Tanner Edwards Open Saddle Bronc
CeeJay Bohmbach JH Barrels
Kiarra Reiss HS Barrels
Abby Hepper Open Barrels
Hayes Weinberger JH Bulls
Eli Leppell HS Bulls
Cole Brewer Open Bulls

Tisa Peek is a long-time horse trainer, competitor in barrel racing and team roping, and writer about the equine. Rodeo and horses run deep in her roots. JT Family Equine is where she calls home, south of Bismarck, ND. Tisa, along with her husband, Jon, and boys, Blu and River, train horses and host clinics. Tisa is the host for Dakota Cowboy on BEK TV.