Q and A with ND Junior High Rodeo Contestants

North Dakota Junior High Rodeo Flag Carriers [Photo: Nancy Klatt]
North Dakota Junior High Rodeo (NDJHR) wrapped up its fall season in Richardton, N.D., this past weekend, August 27-28. The Richardton Saddle Club, community, and committee members welcomed nearly a hundred contestants, their horses, and families. Stark County was hopping with excitement to round out the season.
Miss North Dakota Junior High Rodeo Ashlyn Klatt, of Dickinson, was ‘on-site’ competing, carrying flags, and conducting interviews of her fellow competitors and North Dakota teammates. Representing the sport of rodeo, in and out of the arena, for the fall 2022 season Miss NDJH Rodeo had a great day of discussions with the following questions and answers.

Quin Andrews first place goat tier Sunday in Richardton, N.D. [Photo: Nancy Klatt]
First up, Quinn Andrews, an eighth grader from Bowman and daughter of Wes and Tobiann Andrews:
Q: How long have you been rodeoing, Quin?
A: My first stick horse barrel race was at a youth rodeo when I was three years old.
Q: Tell us about your horses and what are their names?
A: My horses’ names are George and Skeeter. George is my barrel racing and pole pending horse, and I do breakaway and goats on Skeeter.
Q: Do you have other interests besides rodeo?
A: I enjoy the school sports. I made the finals in the 200-meter dash at the state track meet last year as a seventh grader. I also enjoy going to the lake with my family and friends.

Quincy and Willow Vohs [Photo: Ashlyn Klatt]
Next, Willow Vohs, a seventh grader, and Quincey Vohs, a fifth grader, Dickinson, daughters of Jason and Natasha Vohs:
Q: Willow, how many years have you been in junior high rodeo and what do you think about competing against your sister?
A: I have been in junior high rodeo for two years so far. You know competing against my sister — I love it — and I think she is an amazing competitor.
Q: So, Quincey, what is your horse’s name and tell us about him? What has been your most favorite run?
A: My horse’s name is Faith, and she is a bay, barrel horse. She is 19-years-old and about 14-15 hands. My best run was a 20-second pole run in Watford City.

(left to right) Ashlyn Klatt, Charlee and Kristi Blaser [Photo: Nancy Klatt]
And Charlee Blaser, an eighth grader, from Bowman and daughter of Cory and Kristi Blaser:
Q: What other interests do you have besides rodeo and what do look forward to in the future of rodeo, Charlee?
A: I like basketball, track, showing livestock with my family, and being on the Bowman County Livestock Judging Team.
Something I look forward to in my rodeo future is being able to reach my highest point in my competition and having the opportunity to be the best I can be. Learning more and growing into a better competitor in high school and college.
And finally Kristi Blaser, the marketing director for North Dakota Junior High Rodeo and rodeo mom from Bowman:
Q: Kristi, what are the reasons why you wanted to do the marketing position for junior high rodeo?
A: I have been on the junior high board for two years and going on my third. I wanted to be involved in more ways, so when the position for marketing director became available, I applied for it. What better way to combine two things I love — rodeo and youth?
I like working with the kids and being on a different level with them. Also, the sponsors are a very important place to our organization and giving the kids the opportunity to compete. I am fortunate to maintain and build relationships with those that graciously sponsor throughout the year. The position is a way to bring the two together — the organization and the sponsors. The youth are why we do what we do. I love helping them and getting to know them and their families.
The 2022 fall rodeo season may have wrapped up, but continued care and practice goes on all year long for most of these young athletes.
For more event results and standings, visit: ndjhrd.com.

Miss North Dakota Junior High Rodeo Ashlyn Klatt is a sixth grader and the daughter of Delvin and Nancy Klatt. Ashlyn competes in the barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, ribbon roping, team roping, and breakaway roping. She has three horses she competes on. Ashlyn also serves as the ribbon roping director at the NDJH rodeos. During the week she keeps her horses in shape and herself, playing volleyball and basketball for Dickinson. She enjoys baking, cooking and a little time on the lake — when the family’s busy rodeo schedule allows.