Tristan Hall [Photo: submitted]
From rodeo athlete competing inside the arena to now having a bird’s eye view of the action in the arena, Tristan Hall of Bismarck, N.D. is making a name for himself behind the mic. Hall sat down to talk about his start in announcing jackpots and how it has expanded into other sports.
You have been a strong competitor in the arena, experiencing firsthand the action as a Team Roper. What has drawn you to make the shift to announcing the rodeo action?
To be honest, nothing really drew me into announcing, it just sort of happened. I guess my start could be when my friends and I would announce while roping the dummy.
Who or what has inspired you to pick up a mic?
Let’s go back to wintertime of 2018, when I was recovering from a torn labrum and rotator cuff surgery in my shoulder. There was a roping not too far from the house at Beard Arena. I was there hangin’ out, and I jokingly asked Bill Beard if I could announce the next roping and he gave me the green light. At the conclusion of the roping, I received a lot of, “Good job and Sounded good.” Later that summer, I did barrel racings for Scott and Halley Kleemann in Killdeer, as well as calf roping jackpots for Jason and Natasha Vohs in Dickinson.
You are just getting your feet wet announcing several local rodeos. Do you have future plans in growing as an announcer in the rodeo industry?
Getting my feet wet and a foot in the door is something, that is for sure. I just do it for fun, and I have been presented with opportunities such as joining Rick Thompson and Chris Brintle to do live action commentary for BEK Sports during the NDRA Finals.
When I am not watching rodeo, I enjoy watching combat sports like the UFC. I have done ring-announcing as well for Fire Star Pro Wrestling in North Carolina, you can check out the matches and ring announcing on their Youtube channel.
As for my future goals, it is to continue to make the most out of each opportunity presented to me. Another goal is to get a cross-over of fans for each thing I announce, such as encouraging rodeo fans to check out a pro-wrestling match and vice versus. I look at it as a way to grow each sport and get more exposure.

Tristan Hall [Photo: submitted]
How has competing in rodeo helped play a role in your success as an announcer?
To be honest, I am just learning as I go. I think being involved in the sport, competing, watching, and listening, gives me sort of an idea of what to talk about during each event. Since I have competed with and against individuals, it makes it easier to talk about who or what is going on.
To the next young individual who is inspired to choose a career within the industry, what words of encouragement can you offer them?
I’m still trying to figure that out myself. But the best words I can give is that nothing happens overnight, but if it does, cool. You’ll learn more simply by observing and listening (but that’s my opinion, I’m a visual learner). Lastly, pay your dues.
To conclude can you leave us with a saying or bible verse that inspires you.
Ephesians 6:10-18 — Put on the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Righteousness.
“Some nights I wish I could go back in life, not to change things, just to feel a couple things twice.” — Aubrey Graham
“In spite of all the hard times, I’d do it all again.” — Waylon Jennings
Follow me on Instagram @tristantrill_prod, I’m shy and reserved, so say what’s up if you see me around.