Dakota Horse Magazine
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Let it Shine
ADS Born to perform. [Photo: SJ Equine] Training, competing, raising horses, and standing a stallion are all pieces of the moving parts of day-to-day life for the Tucker and Sadie Dale family. Ryder, North Dakota is where they call home, and horses...
You Don’t Know, If You Don’t Try
Molly Otto and Chewy [Photo: Springer] "You don’t know, if you don’t try." Those were wise words from National Finals Rodeo (NFR) barrel racer, Molly Otto’s mother, Teri Nelson, when she was inquiring about getting her Women’s Professional Rodeo...
Saddle Up for Spring
Remarkable rides. [Photo: submitted by Jesse Hanson] “North Dakota has some of the most wide-open spaces and hidden gems in the country. Every corner of this state offers majestic beauty, endless miles of horse riding and hiking trails. We don’t...
Managing Expectations
[Photo: Sheila King Photography] Expectations — Good or bad, or do we just need to learn how to manage them? There are huge investments in time and money when a horse is professionally trained. This is why well-trained horses are so expensive....
Jump the Jump with Bismarck Equestrian Grace Goebel
'Grazios Das Feur' and Grace Goebel, jump for jump. [Photo: Laura Schweigert] ‘Grazios Das Feur’ (a Hanoverian warmblood by Galord and Ladyship), a pair of field boots, a helmet, and a jumping course full of obstacles is what makes this Bismarck...
Choosing a College Near or Far
Hepper [Photo: Dale Hirschman] The hunt is on! High School (Rodeo) Seniors are currently searching for the perfect college fit, matching their field of education with a rodeo program that will advance them to the next level. College is a whole...
Off to the Races: Remembering the Chariot Races in Kenmare
Pony races, 'old school' style from early 1960s. (left to right) Barb Kraft and unidentified riders. [Photo: submitted] (Photo shows time era from Berthold races: DHM is seeking photos of the Kenmare races) A 55-gallon metal barrel, split and...
Black Hills Stock Show Shoot
[Photo: submitted]The Dakota Running Irons held its annual two-day mounted shooting competition in conjunction with the Black Hills Stock Show the last weekend of January. Entries for the event are limited, but more than two dozen shooters from...
Dancing with Apollo
Summer Kosel and 'Apollo' prior to their run at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo [Photo: By Springer]Fort Worth, Texas — South Dakota cowgirl Summer Kosel and her horse ‘Apollo’ won Bracket 6 of the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo with times...
Saddle Club Presents 2022 Awards, Elects 2023 Leaders
Memorial Traveling Awards (left to right): Chad Kahl, Mandan, presents in honor of his grandfather the Buddy Kahl Memorial Beginner Perseverance Award for 2022 to Presley Fettig [Photo: submitted]The Mandan Horse and Saddle Club honored member...
It’s the Miles that Make the Horse: Endurance Riding
Perfect training grounds, the Badlands of North Dakota [Photo: submitted]Pack the horses, pack the kids, don’t forget the dogs — let’s go on an adventure. I can’t think of any other better way for us ‘horse lovers’ to experience and see the most...
North Dakota 4-H’ers Sweep National Hippology Contest
The North Dakota 4-H hippology team was overall national champion and took home numerous individual and team placings at the National Western 4-H Roundup. Team members are (left to right): Anne Schauer, Mikaela Woodruff, Emily Fannik, Olivia...