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Iron Sharpens Iron
Hausauer and Hovde [Photo: submitted]“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 It’s about 8:30 a.m. on a beautiful summer morning, and I am just about to start a horsemanship clinic. We always have a little bit of...
National 4-H Week & New Season
Farmer/Rancher Appreciation Day for National 4-H week (left to right) Kaycee Crimmins, Sarah Crimmins, and Sydney Crimmins [Photo: submitted]With the new 4-H year kicking off in September, the month of October has been a busy one for 4-H in...
My Favorite Time on a Horse
Nora Vesey riding Leo a few years ago [Photo: submitted]As I was trying to think of my very favorite moment with a horse, I quickly realized that you can't define one perfect or meaningful day. There's always going to be one other moment to adore....
Strategy Makes Success
Photo Finish LaPeirre and 'MS Dennie MHF' [Photo: submitted]What does it take to ride one-hundred miles across one of the most difficult and covenant endurance competitions in the world? It takes a horse and rider team that unites into one. “For...
Getting the Gold: Minot’s Badlands Circuit Finals crowns champs, designates titlists for the NFR Open
Bull rider Chance Schott wins the average, the most points accumulated throughout the Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo. [Photo: Alaina Stangle]**UPDATED October 18 to correct year-end breakaway champion following an audit by the Women's Pro Rodeo...
Rodeo Game Plan: Badlands Circuit Finals continues with second round of competition
Steer wrestler Cameron Morman wins the second round of the Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo, held in Minot. [Photo: Alaina Stangle Photography]MINOT, N.D. (October 15, 2022) – Cameron Morman has a game plan, no matter what rodeo situation he’s in. The...
First Time’s a Charm: Badlands Circuit Finals kicks off first round
Austin Hurlburt, Norfolk, Neb., wins the first round of the tie-down roping at the 2022 Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo. He also tied for second in the steer wrestling. [Photo: Alaina Stangle Photography]MINOT, N.D. (October 14, 2022) – For his first...
Extreme Bronc Riding
Brody Wells, Powell, WY, on Calgary's Epic Margarity 81.5 Points Go 2 [Photo: submitted]The Lake Sakakawea waters may have been brisk this past October 7-8 weekend, however the moonlight was vivid and so were the iconic bronc riders that decorated...
Three Barrels & a Stethoscope Badlands Circuit Finals: Part 3
[Photo: submitted]The All Seasons Arena brings an extra significant amount of pride and purpose to Minot hometown cowgirl Cydney Peterson. This barrel racer brings a whole new understanding to being able to handle pressure in her ‘day’ — and lots...
Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork
Cashin and Cannin Carson #9.5 Champions [Photo: Clinton Foster Photography]team \ˈtēm\ two or more people working together The word ‘team’ came in so many forms this past week, September 26-October 2, at the Wrangler National Team Roping...
Bailey Pro Rodeo Badlands Circuit Finals: Part 2
Capone, a rockstar in the arena, Bareback and Saddle Bronc [Photo: submitted]The irony of Shane Gunderson and his path towards becoming a rodeo producer is quite the tale. Growing up and competing in the arena riding wild brutes, the former bull...
Why Not Minot? Badlands Circuit Finals: Part 1
(left to right) Announcer Wayne Brooks, Max and Shelly Weppler, and Bob Tallman [Photo: submitted]Why not, Minot? This saying rings true as to ‘how’ the Badlands Circuit Finals (BLCF) found its home in Minot, N.D. at the All Seasons Arena. The...