Dakota Horse Magazine
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Become Unbound and Break Your Chains
ADS Tisa Peek [Photo: Grace Photography] Have you been experiencing nagging and lingering aches and pains that limit your ability to fully perform your favorite or daily activities such as riding, roping, lifting, or driving? Have you...
The Move-Up Dance: A Boot-Scooting Boogie
ADS Ivan Gandrud's token move up dance involves a jig around his cowboy hat. [Photo: Lily Rodgers] The cowboy mounted shooting discipline has many audience-engaging things to offer competitors and fans. Horses running at break-neck speeds, smoking...
North Dakota 4-H Livestock Judging Contest Winners Announced
ADS The Foster County team took first place in the senior division of the North Dakota 4-H State Livestock Judging Contest. Team members are (from left, front row) Kennedy Wendel, Molly Hansen, Isabel Wendel, Karlee Lesmann and (from left, back...
NDHSRA Reuniting Friends of the Past
ADS NDSHRA Alumni (left to right) Shelia Berg, Jodi Kautzman, Bobbi Maher, and Wendy Stuber [Photo: submitted]The foundation of rodeo is built on old west traditions and strong family values that has carried on for generations. It creates an...
Cowgirl Chic: Western Style with Branded Envy
ADS Western never goes out of style (left to right) Don Morgan, Shanda Morgan, and Jerry Doan (Shanda's father) [Photo: Melanie Sioux Photography]DHM: It’s no secret that western fashion has hit it big in the last year, what do you attribute that...
Horses of the Northern Plains in Early Indian Society: As documented by the NDCHF Center of Western Heritage & Cultures
ADS [Photo: Frank Fiske, State Historical Society of North Dakota 1952]The Indian horse originated from the domesticated and feral offspring of two types of horses - the Barb and the Andalusian - brought to the New World by the Spanish. Indian...
Kentucky Bound
ADS Greaney has a passion for thoroughbreds and is North Dakota's only selected trainer for the 2023 Retired Racehorse Project. [Photo: Amber Langerud]The Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky isn’t on many northern equestrian’s radars....
Fitness Tip of The Month
ADS Kris Vilas barrel racing [Photo: Carla Leland] As Equestrians, we generally have no problems staying busy. The biggest reason a rider can't get in the gym is simply, “I don’t have enough time.” We generally stay pretty busy most of the year, so...
The Girl in Lime Green Jeans Begins Her Trek Around the State
ADS Lindsey reading The Girl in Lime Green Jeans at one of the schools she has visited thus far. [Photo: Lindsey Miller] Have you ever known you wanted to do something? Maybe you were not quite sure when, but you were dead set you were going to...
The G.O.A.T. Announcers Leave Lasting Legacy
ADS Dean Meyer and Dale Hande [Photos: submitted] Rodeo is an action-packed family entertainment full of energy and excitement. The experience is enhanced with detailed play-by-play and commentary by rodeo announcers. Announcers find a rhythm of...
Bombing Spur Strokes
ADS Kramer doing his thing. [Photo: 4-C Photography] A leather riggin’, a pair of chaps, and drawing a good bareback bucking horse is what makes this Denbigh, North Dakota cowboy tick. Maybe riding at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Finals had...
Jorgenson Brings the Heat from ND to AZ
ADS Short go win, Jorgenson aboard 'Tic Tac' of Beutler & Son Rodeo Company. [Photo: Gilson Photo] The electric rides keep coming from North Dakota bareback rider, Clay Jorgenson. Marking an 84-point ride and winning the short-go of the Tucson...